Guild Meetings

Visitors are welcome at any of our meetings.   Meetings are held on the second Saturday of the month, unless otherwise noted.  The guild year ends with a potluck in June.  There are no guild meetings in July and August.

2023 - 2024 Guild Meeting Calendar (tentative)

Meetings are held in Room 108 at Franklin Jr. High unless otherwise noted.

SEPTEMBER 9, 2023  9:30 - 12:00   Room 108,  Franklin Jr. High

The fall kick-off guild meeting will jump-start with a GUILD 101 presentation, followed by show & tell.  

Fiber Afternoon from 12:00 - 2:00

OCTOBER 14, 2023  9:30 - 12:00   Room 108, Franklin Jr. High

Come join Karolyn Knoll as she discusses fleece characteristics and dives into juding alpaca fibers.  Show & tell to follow.

Fiber Afternoon from 12:00 - 2:00


NOVEMBER 11, 2023   9:30 - 12:00  Room 108, Franklin Jr. High

Our guild meeting will consist of general meeting followed by show & tell.

Fiber Afternoon will incorporate an extended weaving workshop that will include weaving on  Sunday and Tuesday.  Times and the weaving topic TBD.

DECEMBER 9, 2023  9:30 - 12:00  Room 108,  Franklin Jr. High

Remotely travel abroad as Judy Clinton and Cindy Griese take us through their Shetland journeys.  Show & tell to follow.

Fiber Afternoon from 12:00 - 2:00

JANUARY 13, 2024  9:30 - 12:00  Room 108,  Franklin Jr. High

Chris Acton will engage us all in color theory, a critical element of creating beautiful spun or woven pieces.  Show & tell to follow.

Fiber Afternoon from 12:00 - 2:00

FEBRUARY 10, 2024  9:30 - 12:00  Room 108,  Franklin Jr. High

Our guild meeting will consist of general meeting followed by show & tell.

Fiber Afternoon will incorporate an extended spinning workshop that will include spinning on Sunday as well.  The workshop will cover an array of spinning types.  Times TBD.

MARCH 9, 2024  9:30 - 12:00  Room 108,  Franklin Jr. High

Presentation of Guild Challenge Projects - 

Fiber Afternoon from 12:00 - 2:00

APRIL 6, 2024  9:30 - 12:00  Room 108, Franklin Jr. High

Guild Garage Sale:  Bring any items you would like to sell.  Please have your price marked and bring your own change, as each member is responsible for their own sales.

A discussion regarding how to prepare entries for the Iowa State Fair will take place during the meeting.

Fiber Afternoon from 12:00 - 2:00

MAY 11, 2024  9:30 - 12:00    FIELD TRIP TO PERRY FIBER FESTIVAL

We will carpool to the Fiber Festival in Perry, IA.  Time TBD.  Watch the newsletter for the time to meet for carpooling.

JUNE 15, 2024  11:00 - 2:00  Room 1165, Franklin Jr. High

Our final meeting of the year will be a potluck meeting followed by Fiber Afternoon.

Franklin Event Center

This is where we meet, in Room 108, unless otherwise noted.