Des Moines Weavers & Spinners Guild
Spreading the joy of fiber arts in the community.
Spinning Workshop
Mark your calendars and plan to attend our Annual Spinning Workshop Weekend! Hope to see you all there!
Location: Guild Room (Room 1165 at the Franklin Jr High Events Center)
· Saturday, February 8, 11:30am - 3:00pm (following the Guild Meeting)
· Sunday, February 9, 12:00pm - 3:00pm
Details: The format will be a come-and-go as you please open house, no pre-registration required.
This is a free event for Guild Members and their guests.
Demonstration Schedule
11:30am - Spinning on a Charkha
12:00pm - Spinning with Beads
12:30pm - Spinning on a Great Wheel
1:00pm - Alpaca vs. Wool when processing and plying
1:30pm - Spinning Boucle
2:00pm - Spinning Silk
12:30pm - Cable Plying
1:00pm - Drum Carder - Blending Fibers, Colors and using a diz
1:30pm - Washing a Fleece (using a powerpoint)
Ongoing both days
Test drive various wheels & spindles our members are graciously making available (various Ashford, Schacht, Louet, Kromski and E-Spinners)
Practice making rolags on the blending boards
Practice on the Drum and Hand Carders
Who we are
The Des Moines Weavers and Spinners Guild was formed in 1945 to stimulate an interest in the arts and crafts of hand weaving, spinning and various other fiber arts. The guild promotes education and skills of the membership and the general public. We welcome all levels of talent and experience. Any person interested in weaving, spinning and fiber arts is welcome to become a member.
What we do
The Des Moines Guild begins the meetings/presentations in September, however we are active all year long. We start the season creating hats, scarves and mittens and donating to those in need. We also conduct outreach classes with various organizations as well as classes for the community. We participate in weaving and spinning demonstrations at various events throughout the Des Moines area especially the Iowa State Fair in August each year. You may have also spotted us at Blank Park Zoo or the Beaverdale Farmer's Market. We have hosted the Bi-Annual Iowa Federation meeting and recently hosted the Midwest Weavers Conference in June 2023.
2021 Iowa State Fair
Demonstrating at the Neil Smith Wildlife Refuge
2021 Fiberpalooza
2021 Fall Iowa Federation Winning Entries
The Des Moines Weavers and Spinners Guild is extremely appreciative of our generous community of supporters. Together with our dedicated individual donors, these organizations and agencies provide invaluable support that is essential for us to continue sharing the arts of weaving and spinning. Thank you for standing with us in our mission!